Convert Android To Iphone‏ Without Root

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Learn how to turn any Android phone into iPhone with full features

Android Launcher iOS 14
 1- Android Launcher iOS 16
Lock screen iOS 13
2- iOS Lock Screen iPhone 15
Control Center iOS 14
 3- Control Center iOS 14
Touch assist iOS 17
  4 – Touch assist iOS 17
Convert Android To Iphone‏ Without Root
Turn your Android device into an iPhone for free
5- iNoty iOS 11_‏ For iPhone
6 – X Home Bar – Free iOS 16
Convert Android To Iphone‏

To completely change Android to iPhone, you will need to download the following applications.

Convert any Android device to iPhone by issuing ios 14 for free without Root 2021 You can lock screen and notifications, touch assistance, IOS control center, X Home Bar – Free, iNoty OS 11, Launcher iOS 14 Transfer the Android system to iPhone 2021.

Do you like iPhone 12 Pro | Now Run iOS 14 on your Android

Lorem ipMany users of Android phones are looking for ways to convert their Android phones to iPhone without root and with full features, features and easily. Although there are many ways to convert Android to iPhone, most of these methods are difficult and do not give the beautiful and attractive shape that the iPhone system enjoys the easiest way to convert Android To iPhone 12 Pro.

What is the way to transfer an Android phone to an iPhone with all the features and features and easily You will need to install the ios14 system on android to six applications that you will get for free by downloading them through our website directly from the official Google Play store. All you have to do is press the applications in sequence and follow the instructions. You can watch a video and convert any Android phone to an iPhone 12 with full features and features and (without root) step by step.

Do you like iPhone 12 Pro | Now Run iOS 14 on your Android

The applications you will need all you have to download in sequence and start converting your Android phone system for free:

Control Center 
Lock screen iOS
Touch assist 
X Home Bar
 iNoty iOS 11

Select an application or group of applications and hide them from your phone, in addition to the ability to download the lock screen and notifications for the iPhone 12, you can also add an iPhone control panel from within the application and change settings such as boost and weak sound, increase the brightness of the screen and reduce it, or switch the phone to flight mode and many other features This application has won the admiration of a large number of users especially those who are looking for the best Android phone to iPhone conversion software.

The features and characteristics of the iPhone 12, as it provides you with three beautiful and distinctive wallpapers, including the iPhone X wallpaper, which is characterized by the iPhone X, with its beautifully and uniquely mixed colors.